Wednesday, April 10, 2013


My presentation will focus on teaching the class how to perform a PCR correctly, and what precautions should be taken.

Safety: the students will have to identify the safety equipment that may be needed. Gloves are a necessity, because contamination can be a problem. Bonus points will be awarded for any student that includes the use of an "Ice bucket" in order to keep the enzymes close to their normal temperature. 

The DNA sample that is being amplified will be simulated as honey.

DNA primers will be dish soap (blue).

DNA polymerase will be vegetable oil.

Excess nucleotides will be water.

When the student conducts the "experiment," the correct order will end up being the honey, dish soap, water, and then the rubbing alcohol or vegetable oil. The PCR will be conducted in clear cups. The students will then have to list the temperatures and what happens at each temperature, and choose a reasonable number of cylces (about 30).

The winner (the group that has the order, the temperatures, the descriptions, and the number of cycles correct) will receive a prize.

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